Re-Viewing Neoliberalism–Full text of my CAA 2013 paper

I’m presenting a talk next Wednesday afternoon at the College Art Association meeting in NYC. The title is “Re-Viewing Neoliberalism.” I’ll be talking through the paper (because this is a talk), which you can find in full-on prose form here. I…

Rihanna’s Unapologetic “Shadow” Feminism, pt. 1

“…mistaking anti-social surrealism for social realism” (Kodwo Eshun, More Brilliant Than The Sun). People keep accusing Rihanna of this, that, and the other, when really she’s doing us such a favor that the least we could do is maybe buy…

NY’s Dance Tax, Art/Entertainment Hierarchies, and Women’s Bodies

New York State’s proposal to exempt erotic dancing from the tax exemption on dance performance is all about policing women’s work, women’s bodies, and class/race-based norms about the “appropriateness” and “significance” of female nudity. This NewYork Times editorial gets it…