“Gucci Gucci”: Thoughts on “The Biopolitics of Cool”

Shannon Winnubst gave a great paper this past Friday at SPEP.  I want to talk about and expand on it here because I take Winnubst and I to be pointing in the same direction, at similar phenomena, but from different…

Video Podcast Introducing Foucault

I teach a lot of texts that presume, use, build on, or critique Foucault’s concepts of juridical, disciplinary, and biopolitical power. So, instead of taking up class time re-hashing the same lecture, I decided to make a video podcast that…

Ada Lovelace Day: Delia Who?

Today is Ada Lovelace Day. In honor of the first person to write what would later be known as a “computer program,” I want to think about women and music technology. Many readers of this blog probably already know who…

The Other Important Musical Release in 1991, or, McClary’s Feminine Endings is 20 years old, but there’s still no feminist philosophy of music

Feminist musicology as we know it is only 20 years old. Susan McClary’s landmark book Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality was released in 1991—the same year that Nirvana broke on pop radio. While the latter release is being widely…