
I wrote some books:

The Sonic Episteme: acoustic resonance & biopolitics. Under contract with Duke UP.

Resilience & Melancholy: pop music, feminism, neoliberalism. Zer0 Books, 2015.

The Conjectural Body: Gender, Race, & the Philosophy of Music. Lexington Books, 2010.

Here are my scholarly articles, in reverse chronological order:

Is the Post- in Post-Identity the Post- in Post-Genre?” in Popular Music 1 January 2017.

Pop’s Chill Thrills Aren’t So Cheap” in SoundingOut! 1 August 2016.

How Not To Listen To Lemonade: Music Criticism & Epistemic Violence” in SoundingOut! 16 May 2016.

Women’s Resilience and Post-Feminist Sexism” in Prindle Post 3 May 2016.

Listening to Sounds in Post-Feminist Pop” in SoundingOut! 15 February 2016

Hello From The Same Side” in The New Inquiry 28 December 2015.

Resilience, an ideal that hurts more than it helps” in Prindle Post 6 October 2015.

Gendered Voices & Social Harmony” in SoundingOut! 9 March 2015.

Acousmatic Surveillance & Big Data” in SoundingOut! 20 October 2014.

“‘Cremation of Senses in Friendly Fire’: on sound & biopolitics (via KMFDM & World War Z)” in SoundingOut! 1 September 2014.

“Incandescence, Melancholy, and Feminist Bad Vibes: A Response to Ewa Ziarek” in differences: a
journal of feminist cultural studies. Forthcoming 2014.

Contort Yourself: No Wave Music, Whiteness, and the Politics of Disorientation.” In
How Does It Feel To Be A (White) Problem? ed. George Yancy, Forthcoming. (In Press)

Neoliberal Noise: Attali, Foucault, and the Biopolitics of Uncool” in Culture, Theory, &
Critique special issue on “Music & Neoliberalism.”

From ‘No Future’ to “Delete Yourself (You Have No Chance To Win)”: Death,
Queerness, and the Sound of Neoliberalism” in The Journal of Popular Music Studies Special Issue:
Trans/Queer, Volume 25, Issue 4, December 2013. pp. 504-536.

“Feminist Aesthetics, Popular Music, and the Politics of the Mainstream” in Feminist
Aesthetics, ed. L. Ryan Musgrave. Springer Press.

Sonic Pleasure and Post-Cinematic Affect” on the International Association for Popular Music
Studies-US website, 3 July 2013.

On Race and the Feminized Popular in Nietzsche and Beyond” in Hypatia. Volume
28, Issue 4, Fall 2013. pp. 749-766.

Oppression, Privilege, and Aesthetics” in Philosophy Compass. Volume 8, Issue 3
(February 2013): 101-116.

Affective Resonance: On the Uses and Abuses of Music In Philosophy” in PhaenEx:
A Journal of Phenomenological and Existential Theory & Culture. Vol 7, No 2 (2012)

On Intersectionality and Cultural Appropriation: The Case of Postmillenial Black
Hipness.” Journal of Black Masculinity. Volume 1 Number 2 (2011).

These Are The Breaks: Rethinking Disagreement Through Hip Hop” in
Transformations special issue on “Ranciere: Politics, Art, and Sense.” Issue 19, 2011.

From Receptivity to Transformation: on the intersection of race, gender and the
aesthetic in contemporary continental philosophy” in Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental
Philosophy, eds. Maria Davidson, Donna-Dale Marcano, Kantryn Gines. Albany: SUNY Press, 2010.

Robo-Diva R&B: politics, aesthetics, and images of black female robots in
contemporary US pop culture” in The Journal of Popular Music Studies V. 20, No.4, 2008. pp

In but not of, of but not in: On taste, hipness, and white embodiment” in
Contemporary Aesthetics Special Volume 2 (2009), “Aesthetics and Race,” ed. Monique Roelofs.

“Autonomy, Universality, and Playing the Guitar” in Hypatia Vol 24 No 4 (October-December 2009). pp. 77-100.

“Deconstruction, Fetishism, and the Racial Contract: on the politics of “faking it” in
music”, CR: The New Centennial Review. Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007, pp. 45–80.

“The Musical Semiotic: Kristeva, Don Giovanni and Feminist Revolt”. Philosophy
Today SPEP Supplement. 2002. pp. 113-119.


Here are my more mainstream publications:

Resilience” in The Prindle Post.

Cloudy Logic” in The New Inquiry.

All Your B/Ass Are Belong To Us” in Noisey 18 August 2014.

Wound Down Inside” in The New Inquiry’s “Ms. America” supplement, pp. 15-17.

Melancholic Damage” in The New Inquiry, 30 May 2013.

Loving the Alien” in The New Inquiry, October 2012.


Here is a link to all my philosophy papers on PhilPapers. However, because not all my work is ‘philosophy’ per se, this isn’t a comprehensive bank of my publications.

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