Doreen St Felix’s amazing piece on Rihanna’s “Bitch Better Get My Money” hones in on Rih’s black feminist approach to the flows of (artistic, financial) credit, and to Rih’s method of accounting. “To be a black woman and genius, is…
Post-Genre Aesthetics, Race, & Gender
The virtue of genre-transcending eclecticism is the underlying theme of Jonathan Shecter’s March 2015 interview with Diplo. I want to read this interview closely, to consider how exactly this diversity is described, and in particular how Diplo’s and Shecter’s accounts…
Resilience & Melancholy
I have a new book out with Zer0, Resilience & Melancholy: pop music, feminism, neoliberalism. Here’s the blurb: When most people think that “little girls should be seen and not heard,” a noisy, riotous scream can be revolutionary. But that’s…
Gendered Voices & Social Harmony–My New Post at SoundingOut!
I’m extremely excited to be part of Liana M. Silva’s “Gender & Voice” series over at SoundingOut!. My piece went up today, and you can find it here. Though it’s focused on the role of “loud” feminist voices in post-feminist…

Summer 2015 Online Course: Gender, Aesthetics, & Media
This summer (May-June 2015) I’m teaching a fully course on Gender, Aesthetics, & Media. It’s listed at the 4000/5000 level, which means it’s open to both upper-level undergraduates (4000) and graduate students (5000). Because the course is fully online, any student…
Harvard Graduate Music Forum 2015–Keynote Talk
I’m very excited to be keynoting “Work & Play: Economies of Music,” the 2015 Harvard Graduate Music Forum conference. My talk is “Composing ‘Normal’: uncool labor & the politics of whiteness in Attali, Spandau Ballet, & Taylor Swift.” Here‘s the…
Personal un-branding and the financialization of whiteness: or, let’s actually LISTEN to Taylor Swift as she shakes it off
With the rise of fashion trends like K-Hole’s normcore style and the Gap’s watered-down “Dress Normal” campaign, it seems like “uncool” has itself become a way for elites to opt-out of the imperative to build “cool” human capital, a “cool”…
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