On the “Blue Monday” WONDER WOMAN 84 trailer

The new trailer for Wonder Woman 84 is soundtracked to New Order’s “Blue Monday.” Originally released in 1983, the song sonically sets the film in its eponymous period. However, the trailer doesn’t appear to use the original 83 version, but…

"Ever Get The Feeling You've Been Cheated?" On Perc's "Unelected"

“Ever Get The Feeling You’ve Been Cheated?” On Perc’s “Unelected”

As a producer of mostly lyricless techno, Perc (Ali Wells) is often asked how he communicates his very outspoken political views in his music. In a 2018 interview with Festicket, he explained I’m definitely politically aware and try to bring…

“High Hopes,” “Bad Guy,” and Chill Moods: On Resilience in Post-Probabilist Neoliberalisms

I’m giving a talk in the music department at Pitt on Tuesday Nov. 19 at 7pm. Here’s the full text of the talk; intro below. This connects my work in my last two books to my new work on post-probabilist…

on Aimee Bahng’s MIGRANT FUTURES

I’m working on the follow-up to The Sonic Episteme & Resilience & Melancholy; it’s a project about post-probabilist neoliberalisms/biopower. This is my takeaway from Bahng’s book with that project in view. With its focus on neoliberal logics of speculation and…

Feminist Aesthetics After #MeToo–My SPEP 2019 paper

SPEP is next week, so that means it’s time to post my talk. Here’s the abstract: As #MeToo activism reveals lots of men to be serial sexual harassers and rapists, the question of whether we can or should enjoy artworks…

Post-Probabilist Neoliberalisms, Orientation, & Sexuality

This is all very much at the work-in-progress stage, but I think I’m onto something here. This is the background theoretical stuff informing my recent Real Life article about Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy.” As post-probabilist rationality According to Amoore, possibilist calculus uses the aesthetic sensibilities of programmers, engineers, and users to supplement the mathematical and computational tools…

Aesthetics and Horizon in Possibilist/Post-Probabilist Neoliberalisms

I’m doing some of the ground-floor research for the follow-up to Resilience & Melancholy & The Sonic Episteme. Those focused on probabilist neoliberalisms; the next project focuses on post-probabilist ones. Here I work through Louise Amoore’s claim that possibilist calculus…

Speculative Appliance Jingle #1

I’m creating a small series of speculative sound pieces. They’re appliance jingles–you know, the little melody newer appliances play to indicate they are done. These are supposedly more pleasant alternatives to the traditional buzzer or bell…which recall jobsite sounds, like…

On Melinda Cooper’s LIFE AS SURPLUS

As part of my lit review on post-probabilist neoliberalisms, I’ve been working through Melinda Cooper’s Life As Surplus. I’ve written up (barfed on the page) some thoughts that I’ve linked here. Below are a shortlist of the main takeaways.  What…

“You Need To Calm Down” is worse than you think

Taylor Swift’s attempt at a Pride anthem has been getting a lot of criticism. It’s been accused of “hijacking queerness” by conflating people’s distaste for her music to homophobia and transphobia; others say it’s yet another example of the commodification…