This was originally published on my Substack on February 22, 2032. I’m republishing it here to get this post on my platform. (Never trust platforms you don’t own.) If you would like to support the work I do (I don’t get…

This was originally published on January 31, 2023 on my Substack newsletter. I’m republishing it here to get this post on my platform. (Never trust platforms you don’t own.) If you would like to support the work I do (I…

Aaaand we're back

I’ve had some technical issues with my server and my WordPress site that have kept me locked out of here for about six months. But, I finally got those fixed (thanks to some advice from Christine Capetola and some tech…

While I have your attention: now that writing is no longer something my day job pays me to do, I’ve decided to keep the newsletter free but set up a Kofi tip jar so that those who would like to leave a…

I had the fortune of attending the Scholar Session for Elaine Miller at the 2022 SPEP (well, at least most of it–I had to duck out for a meeting before the discussion got going). Scholar Sessions are sessions focused on…

It’s SPEP (Society for Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy) week, and it’s my 20th (more or less) SPEP—I gave my first SPEP paper in 2002 at the meeting in Chicago. Below is the paper I’m going to read this week in…

How to write an effective peer review report (for humanities & social sciences)

Peer reviewing is a common and essential part of everyday scholarly labor. But like many day-to-day academic activities, graduate programs rarely teach students how to be an effective peer reviewer. It’s mostly something you learn by inference as you read…

When I was growing up, my hometown was the epicenter of three moral panics about obscene sex that snowballed to the national stage: two grew so big they went to trial and became national media spectacles and one led to…

As many of you know I wrote a book on 97X WOXY–it’s all going through copy editing right now and should hopefully be out in the world as a printed Thing in spring 2023. In the meantime, however, I thought…

it’s the first draft of the introduction to the central chapter of my vibes book For decades, various counter- and sub-cultures used the term “vibe(s)” to describe what made them different from the mainstream. From hippies and their “good vibrations”…