30 Day Song Challenge, Day 18: A Song Every Bar Band Should Know

Sooooo…mainly because I think more like a DJ and less like a person in a band, I’m just changing this to “A song that should be in every DJ’s set.” Bar bands and DJs are both in the business of…

30 Day Song Challenge, Day 14: A Song No One Would Expect You To Like

I think people generally know I like frivolous pop and that most rock genres really really aren’t my thing. So, I think people might not expect me to like: Guns ‘n’ Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle” This song has, unequivocally, the…

Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” Video

According to Steven Shaviro, the combination of digital media and neoliberal capitalism has changed the way movies are composed, their underlying logic. I’ve argued that these changes in film composition parallel recent-ish changes in pop music song composition. Brostep sounds…