The Its Her Factory 15th Anniversary Zine

This blog is 15 years old in 2024. To celebrate, I’ve compiled a zine that includes some of this blog’s most popular and/or important posts alongside new commentary on each post and an introduction. It’s 97 pages long and available in both print and digital versions.

You can order the zine here. I have options for shipping the printed version to the US, Canada, and the UK, but if you live elsewhere please just email me at robinmjames7 AT gmail DOT com and I’ll figure out shipping costs.

This zine is both a celebration of and reflection on this blog, and a bit of a pilot project for me. I am exploring the possibilities of doing more Its Her Factory zines where I commission and pay other people to write smart things about culture and politics. If I can make enough money on this zine to pay people to write for the next one, well, that’s what I’ll do. So, when you order the zine you’re not just supporting this blog, you’re helping a venue for paid culture writing possibly get off the ground.