More outtakes from my article on Attali, music, & neoliberalism

I’m editing down an article on Jacques Attali, Foucault, music, & neoliberalism. I’ve posted some outtakes before, and here are some more. They’re somewhat disjointed, as outtakes tend to be, but they’re generally about Attali’s theory of subjectivity. “Composer” as…

Attali, Acoustics, Neoliberalism

I had to cut this from an article I’m working on b/c it doesn’t exactly fit with the flow of the argument, but the point is really important: Attali thinks repetition, or the “statistical and global conceptions of movement of…

This is the Sound of Uncool: Spandau Ballet & the Biopolitics of Cool

So what sorts of practices would or could potentially critique or subvert neoliberalism? I agree with Jason Read’s claim that “a political response to neoliberalism must meet it on its terrain, that of the production of subjectivity, freedom, and possibility”…

Sovereign Harmony and Biopolitical Frequency: Or, what Attali and LMFAO can teach us about neoliberalism

“Every major social rupture has been preceded by an essential mutation in the codes of music, in its mode of audition, and in its economy” (Attali, Noise 10).[1] So I’ve been thinking more about this idea of “transmission,” and I’ve…