Jasbir Puar, Non-Metric Time, Steve Reich, and Kelis

This is an excerpt from the introduction to the manuscript I’m working on. Here, I’m discussing Jasbir Puar’s reworking of Foucaultian biopower into her notion of “superpanopticism.” She argues that superpanopticism operates not just in space (i.e., in 3D) but…

Sovereign Harmony and Biopolitical Frequency: Or, what Attali and LMFAO can teach us about neoliberalism

“Every major social rupture has been preceded by an essential mutation in the codes of music, in its mode of audition, and in its economy” (Attali, Noise 10).[1] So I’ve been thinking more about this idea of “transmission,” and I’ve…

Foucault and Feminist Art — or, how to subvert the biopolitical administration of populations

As you know, I’ve been thinking—not primarily, but sort of in the background—about how we subvert or resist Foucaultian “biopower.” I’m not talking about the “disciplinary” aspect—I think Butler gives us a good account of how to subvert discipline (i.e.,…

“Do you realize, that people are still having sex?”: Teaching the History of Sexuality v. 1 with 90s House

So, whenever I teach Foucault’s History of Sexuality, v. 1 to undergraduates, they usually have difficulty “getting” the book’s two main claims: (1) that sex is not repressed, and (2) that power is relational and productive, not a substance that…