My Life Would Suck Without You/Where Have You Been All My Life: Tension-and-Release Structures In Tonal Rock and Non-Tonal EDM-Pop
In this post, I contrast the formal elements in the song and video for Kelly Clarkson’s “My Life Would Suck Without You” with the formal elements in the song and video for Rihanna’s “Where Have You Been All My Life.”…
From “No Future” to “Delete Yourself (You Have No Chance To Win)”: Hearing the difference between classical and neo- liberalism
This is all rather rough, and because I’m thinking of reworking this to submit here, I really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have. The Sex Pistol’s “God Save the Queen,” with its refrain, “no future,” has been central to…

Contract Theory, Intersectionality, Neoliberalism, and Absolute Music
I’m working on a manuscript that, among other things, ties classical liberalism to a specific “aesthetic”—what I call “liberal realism”—and neoliberalism to another sort of aesthetic—what I might call “neoliberal formalism” (I’m not entirely decided on this latter term). While…
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