More outtakes from my article on Attali, music, & neoliberalism
I’m editing down an article on Jacques Attali, Foucault, music, & neoliberalism. I’ve posted some outtakes before, and here are some more. They’re somewhat disjointed, as outtakes tend to be, but they’re generally about Attali’s theory of subjectivity. “Composer” as…
Attali, Acoustics, Neoliberalism
I had to cut this from an article I’m working on b/c it doesn’t exactly fit with the flow of the argument, but the point is really important: Attali thinks repetition, or the “statistical and global conceptions of movement of…
Sweet Nothing — Musical Logics of Intensity
The Diplo remix of Calvin Harris’s “Sweet Nothing” exemplifies a musical logic of intensity by which noise–or, “nothing”–is used to intensify/amplify/augment signal into something even more powerful than its original form or articulation. “Nothing” sweetens listeners’ musical and affective pleasure….
This is the Sound of Uncool: Spandau Ballet & the Biopolitics of Cool
So what sorts of practices would or could potentially critique or subvert neoliberalism? I agree with Jason Read’s claim that “a political response to neoliberalism must meet it on its terrain, that of the production of subjectivity, freedom, and possibility”…
Feminism, Neoliberalism, & Goth
I’m giving two slightly different versions of a talk on Gaga Feminism, Neoliberalism, Multi-Racial White Supremacist Patriarchy, Rihanna, & Goth, one tomorrow at Wayne State, and the other in April at Luther College. Because I usually talk rather than read, I…

Rihanna’s Melancholic Damage
Here is my looong, unedited, still-in-process post on Rihanna, “Look, I Overcame!” Gaga Feminism, goth damage, and multi-racial white supremacy. Unlike most people who talk about Rihanna, Breezy, feminism, & race, I will actually discuss her MUSIC–chords, compositional and performance…

“Just Ludacris Enough”
I’m giving a talk titled “Just Ludacris Enough” several times in the next week or two. Here are links to the blog posts & articles I’m using as the basis of the talk: My article in The New Inquiry, “Loving the Alien.”This…
“Look, I Overcame!”: Feminine Subjectivity, Resilience, & Multi-Racial White Supremacist Patriarchy
In his recent essay in Radical Philosophy, mark Neocleous argues that the ideal of “resilience” has replaced the ideal of “security,” both as a structure of individual subjectivity and a principle of social/national policy.[i]Briefly, he defines resilience as “the capacity…

Ancient Greek & Neoliberal Harmony Pt. 1: Sophrosyne as Proportion
It seems like the ancient Greeks are actually kinda neoliberal in some ways. In Disagreement, Ranciere calls consensus democracy “the perfect realization” of Plato’s Republic, and, as Shannon Winnubst notes in her great new article in Foucault Studies(which everyone should…

Scream: On Kelis, Human Capital, & Music
Recently, there have been a few EDM-pop songs about screaming: Usher’s “Scream,” & Britney’s “Scream & Shout,” and Kelis’s “Scream” (which is older than these former two, but only by a year or two). I’ve written about “Scream &…
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