Music For Drones: part 3, pickup test

C had a telephone pickup lying around his studio, so we decided it would be interesting to hook it up to the drone. Telephone pickups (like guitar pickups) listen for electronic signals, not sound waves. So, what you’re hearing here…

Music for Drones Week 2: getting some sounds on tape

This is crossposted at stardotstudio. This week we decided to record the drones as they flew by a stand mic. We wanted to get a sense of how they sounded, what specific moves (e.g., fast breaking, rotating on the yaw/…

Music for Drones: Week 1, Learning to Fly

christian.ryan and I, as citation:obsolete, are working on our #musicfordrones project. We received an internal grant from UNCC to purchase four Phantom quadcopter drones, some mics, and other related equipment. This summer we’re beginning the actual work on the project….

Make It Rain v 0.1

“Make It Rain” is citation:obsolete’s update on Steve Reich’s “It’s Gonna Rain”–it uses contemporary tech (smartphones, tablets, wifi/wireless/bluetooth, etc.), contemporary music (specifically, Fat Joe feat. Lil Wayne’s “Make It Rain”), and trends in contemporary art practice (interactivity, relational aesthetics, etc.)…

Music For Drones: Introduction

[xposted at christian.ryan’s stardotstudio] Drones are trendy. These days, seems like everybody has some use for and/or opinion about them. They’re the subject of a lot of art and literature, too. What if, instead of making art  about drones, we…

Sound Semiotics of the Kitchen

–>Here‘s a link to the Storify with all the sounds.   Ideas This project is a sound- and social-media-based reperformance of Martha Rosler’s 1975 video “The Semiotics of the Kitchen.” Rosler’s work is one of the foundational texts in what…

Make It Rain

I thought of this while trying to figure out some activities for my Philosophy of Music class to do. Rest assured, we’re still definitely doing this in class this summer. I just realized the activity is part of a larger…