So, I just got back from voting in North Carolina’s primaries today. As a registered Democrat, the only really interesting primary is for the NC governor’s race. However, as readers of this blog are probably well aware, the big issue…

After Jezebel’s recent post on Hipster Racism, the topic is newly hot in the feminist/race blogosphere. And that’s great! We really need to be talking about the ways racism and white supremacy inform the everyday practices of “good, white liberal”…

After holographic Tupac crashed Coachella 2012, the buzz about holographic performances by dead musicians has breached the music blogosphere and hit the mainstream. Even Jezebel, which isn’t really a music blog, had a featured article about the topic. Sure, the…

The next track on my dinner playlist is one of my favorite songs in this group. It’s the Afghan Whigs “Rebirth of the Cool”. This was a remix of their song “Milez is Ded” (and the title thus a play…

[This is a series on my setlist from philoSOPHIA 2012.] From “My City Was Gone” to Siouxie’s “Cities in Dust”.    In a way, these are both about rust belts–Hynde is talking about the US Midwest, and Siouxie is referring to…

[This is part of the series where I blog about my setlist from philoSOPHIA 2012.] Second is The Pretenders’ “My City Was Gone,” which I only recently learned is not titled “Back to Ohio”: The Prestenders’ lead singer, Chrissy Hynde,…

I had the privilege of “curating” the setlist for dinner and dancing at last weekend’s philoSOPHIA meeting. (I say “curate” rather than “DJ” b/c they couldn’t get the appropriate equipment, and I was not going to pay to fly my…

Today is “Record Store Day,” a day dedicated to the celebration of authenticity: the “realness” and warmness of vinyl records (which were often recorded w/digital equipment–remember DAT?), the “authentic” face-to-face sociality of the record store itself (somehow the IRL experience…

The wonderful crew at Ignite Charlotte have made videos of all our talks. Here’s mine. It’s only 5 minutes, so you really ought to watch it! I welcome your thoughts in the comments.

So, I haven’t been able to teach music-focused courses for a few years (budget cuts). This means that I haven’t been forced to set time aside to listen to and think about music as music, music for its own sake,…