30 Day Song Challenge, Day 5: A Song That Reminds You Of Someone.

L7, Pretend We’re Dead


In high school, this was my favorite song. I remember listening to it in my best friend Emily’s room, and recording it off the radio. I still have the tape of song from 97x. This song reminds me of Emily; she lived up the street from me. We met in junior high, we were field commanders together in high school, and were roommates in college. We took our introductory music history class together; she was a clarinet major. We were in Delta Omicron (a music fraternity that, at Miami, was entirely women) together. The alto sax player I almost dated one year ended up being her high school boyfriend the next year. We’re not as close as we used to be, and that makes me sad.

Runners Up: Peter Murphy, “Final Solution” (Seriously Murphy looks creepily uncannily like my partner in this video); Also, there’s this thing where I hear a song a friend or colleague has written about, and it reminds me of them.