What I did in 2017

People do these year-end rundowns of accomplishments, and I find they’re helpful to draft what will ultimately become my performance review that I’ll have to file sometime this spring term. So, voila:


  1. I published 2 peer reviewed articles:
    1. Is the Post- In Post-Identity the Post-Genre?” and
    2. Post-Feminism’s ‘New Sexual Contract’ & EDMC’s Queered Femme Voices
  2. I published 2 articles online:
    1. What Feels Good to Me: Extra-Verbal Vocal Sounds and Sonic Pleasure in Black Femme Pop Music” in SoundingOut!
    2. Songs of Myself” in Real Life.
  3. I finished the first draft of my book, The Sonic Episteme. Here’s the intro chapter.


Speaking–JFC I gave so many talks (links to copies of the talk):

  1. Lectures
    1. Uni Sussex American Studies
    2. Goldsmiths Media & Culture
    3. Uni Cardiff Theory Seminar
    4. IASPM-International Keynote
    5. Uni Groningen Music Colloquium
    6. Uni Twente at “Security & The Political Turn in The Philosophy of Technology”
    7. College of Charleston’s Aesthetics Forum
    8. LaSalle University Philosophy Colloquium
    9. NYU Musicology Colloquium
  2. Conferences
    1. APA Eastern
    2. IASPM-US
    3. SPEP
    4. New England Pop Culture Association
    5. The Future Sounds of Pop Music



  1. Southern Wonder at Charlotte Community Radio
  2. NPR On Point
  3. Jezebel



  1. I guest lectured about Riot Grrrl in a colleague’s “Girl Cultures” class.
  2. I developed a fully online intro to philosophy class, which I taught in the summer and the fall terms.
  3. I taught my Music & Society class in the spring.
  4. I taught a seminar on Theories of Sound & Music.
  5. I taught the undergrad Social & Political Philosophy course.



  1. CLAS Award for the Integration of Teaching & Research committee
  2. Faculty Research Grants committee
  3. Ethics Center Director’s advisory board
  4. Philosophy Grad advisory board
  5. Honors director for philosophy
  6. IASPM-US Executive Committee
  7. APA Eastern Program Committee



  1. I moved from North Carolina to Connecticut (3 days before my semester started in the fall), and I’ve been commuting back to UNCC to teach. That I did this AND accomplished all the other above-listed stuff is no small victory. I also have begun to travel (especially the back-and-forth commute to CLT) with Juno, who is the most extroverted friend I’ve ever had. She thinks everyone is at the airport to see *her*, and always makes lots of friends. In addition to keeping me sane on my grueling travels, Juno has also helped a friend’s daughter overcome her fear of dogs.
  2. I moved from my house in CLT to a storage unit in CLT to an apartment in CLT. I have a lovely roommate with a very sweet cat.
  3. I sold my house.
  4. I bought my first new car in 20 years. I assume I will also drive this car for 20 years.
  5. I ran at 11mph–the fastest I’ve ever run.
  6. We re-homed one of our cats, Hugo. After Simone died he was increasingly bad to Hyphen. Hyphen enjoys being the only cat in the house, and has really come out of her shell. She is older than all the freshmen and sophomore boys in the dorm C supervises, lol. We’re down to three non-human family members, all girls. However, there’s plans to adopt a baby boy pit bull once C’s school year ends in June.