Race as technology, or, on the racialization of non-human bodies

Ever since I adopted a pit bull, I have had suspicions and half-grounded intuitions that there was some sort of connection between the vilification of pit bulls and anti-black racism. I just lacked a coherent way of making that connection…

Queering Taylor Swift

So, Taylor Swift is generally pretty uninteresting to me because her music, her image, and her lyrics all shore up normative white heteropatriarchal gender roles. And, her songs may be OK, musically, they’re more meh than not. Although I would…

“Why do we keep falling in love with cyborgs?” — Interestign poste by Newitz over on i09

Annalee Newitz has posted a piece over on i09 about why we humans love (both Biblically and Platonically) cyborgs. Here’s the link: http://io9.com/5648537/why-do-we-keep-falling-in-love-with-cyborgs Most of it is really good. I particularly appreciate her complication of the “natural human” vs. “synthetic…

This robot is SO not a dick in drag, Part 3: Lady Gaga

This robot is SO not a dick in drag, Part 3: Lady Gaga

So, Madonna chooses humanism, whereas Beyonce chooses Afrofuturist posthumanism. In this post, I’ll discuss Gaga’s post-goth sometimes posthuman-ism. Gaga chooses the robot, sometimes. For example, in this David LaChapelle photo, her “Paparazzi” costume clearly references Lang’s robo-Maria (note too the…

Robots, Cyborgs, and the Master/Slave Dialectic

So over on his blog, my partner Christian, who is an artist, has been thinking about the difference between the practice of robot-making and the practice of making cyborg prosthetic devices. Here’s the link to his post, but I”ll reproduce…

This Right Here Is My Swag:

This Right Here Is My Swag:

In other words, the cover for my book! I’m super-happy with the design.

“The Conjectural Body:Gender, Race, and the Philosophy of Music” excerpt WITH lyrics

My book, The Conjectural Body: Gender, Race, and the Philosophy of Music, is being released this month by Rowman & Littlefield. Due to some permissions issues, I was not allowed to print lyrics to “Swagga Like Us” in the book….

This robot is SO not a dick in drag part 2: Beyonce

So, when Madonna is presented with the choice “human or posthuman”?, she clearly chooses humanism (and reproductive futurity). Beyonce, on the other hand, always chooses the posthuman (and a futurity that is not necessarily “reproductive” in the way hetero-whiteness wants…

My first TV interview!(??!!)

So, the local cable news channel interviewed me today about the idea that listening to violent music can cause someone to murder cops: http://charlotte.news14.com/content/top_stories/630138/trial-brings-up-debate-over-music-s-influence-on-behavior The short version is: The idea that “the gangsta rap made me do it” rests on…

"Flesh Dress for an Albino Anorectic," or, paging Jana Sterbak

“Flesh Dress for an Albino Anorectic,” or, paging Jana Sterbak

So, Gaga’s new cover for Vogue Japan is making the rounds on teh internets today: Interestingly, nobody is mentioning that it’s basically a take on Jana Sterbak’s relatively famous and important piece of feminist art, “Vanitas: Flesh Dress for an…