Transmission: Sound, Affect, and Joy Division/New Order

This post is a very, very initial attempt to sketch a theory of “transmission.” I develop this idea of transmission in conversation with Jasbir Puar, Joy Division, and Bauhaus. Transmission is an sound-based concept, an attempt to theorize from “the…

True Faith/She Drives Me Crazy

So, last night I was watching VH1 Classic, and the video for Fine Young Cannibals’ “She Drives Me Crazy” was on. With the paired dancers, bright colors, and sort of carnie/Geek Love aesthetic, it totally reminded me of the video…

“This is why events unnerve me”: Teaching Neitzsche through Joy Division/New Order/Kylie Minogue

My Existentialism class is in the midst of reading Nietzsche’s The Gay Science. The GS deals with a lot of the themes and ideas in Zarathustra, which is what people usually assign in Existentialism classes, but the GS treats them…