Taking MIDIjunkies Into The Death, v 2.0

This is the revision of a previous post, which was a draft of some material I was working on for an article. I’ve finished a more polished draft (note: not a final draft, or a finalized draft, or my final…

Taking MIDIjunkies Into the Death

Here’s a sample of something that I’ve been scrambling to complete before a rapidly-approaching deadline. This is still definitely in progress, so your feedback is most welcome!             In this post, I discuss a pair of songs on Atari Teenage…

Music as the Other of Philosophy and Proxy for Philosophy’s Others: Some Initial Thoughts On Grosz

I’m fairly new to Elizabeth Grosz’s work, and these are just some initial thoughts as I prepare for Monday’s grad class. Feedback is, as always, welcome. All references are to Chaos, Territory, Art. While Grosz claims she is not orientalizingly…

Unnatural Participations: Thoughts on Deleuze & Affect, Paul Ryan, Flava Flav, and Bez

That’s Bez, Happy Mondays’ hype man, on the left. The purpose of this post is both to help the students in my grad class, who are starting out the semester with the “Becoming-Intense” chapter of Thousand Platueaus, and to draw…

Death Metal and the Power Over Life

This post is not making claims or coming to conclusions, but setting up a line of inquiry for further research. I have a pretty good sense of the overarching idea, but I need some more firm evidence to back it…