Feminist Theory: Questions for Tiqqun/Weigel & Ahern

Tonight we’re reading Tiqqun’s Young-Girl essay and Weigel & Ahern’s response in TNI. Here are some questions for discussion: Further Questions Is Tiqqun just devaluing as feminine everything that’s bad about neoliberalism? So Tiquun says the YG “is absolutely not…

Notes On A Theory Of Multi-Racial White Supremacist Patriarchy, aka MRWaSP

Multi-Racial White Supremacist Patriarchy, or MRWaSP, is my term for early 21st-century globalized Western race/gender/sexuality/capitalist hegemony. I put a lower-case “a” in the acronym to both make the acronym something pronounceable to English speakers, and to echo the older acronym…

Is the “analytic/continental divide” a politically obsolete concept?

So, this weekend I watched GI Joe 2. For all of the things it doesn’t do–like be aesthetically “good” cinema–one thing it does capture fairly well is the obsolesce of cold-war thinking (which, obviously, was what informed the cartoons on which the…

Wibbly-Wobbly Women for a Timey-Wimey Universe

I’ve got another post up at Cyborgology. This one is about the role of women/feminine compositional elements in “irrational” contemporary media formats and neoliberal political economy. It’s also about the season finale of Doctor Who.Here’s an excerpt: But the MPDG,…

Nietzsche, Wagner, Biopolitics, Race, & Music

“Wagner makes music sick” (Nietzsche Contra Wagner, 664). “Life itself has become a problem” (Nietzsche Contra Wagner, 681). To mark Wagner’s bicentennial, the Guardian published this essay on the connection many of his contemporaries made between his music and mental…

Rihanna’s Unapologetic “Shadow” Feminism, pt. 1

“…mistaking anti-social surrealism for social realism” (Kodwo Eshun, More Brilliant Than The Sun). People keep accusing Rihanna of this, that, and the other, when really she’s doing us such a favor that the least we could do is maybe buy…

Taking MIDIjunkies Into the Death

Here’s a sample of something that I’ve been scrambling to complete before a rapidly-approaching deadline. This is still definitely in progress, so your feedback is most welcome!             In this post, I discuss a pair of songs on Atari Teenage…

Neoliberalism and Contemporary Pop Music: An Overview

I’ve been thinking and writing a lot about the logic of biopolitical neoliberalism as it manifests in contemporary pop music (and a little bit in 20th c avant-garde art music). In the same way that classical liberalism and tonal harmony…

We Are The New Body Police

This is a quick post in response to a post on my school’s WGST program FB page. It got me thinking about how feminists practice a new form of body policing, in the name of feminism. Neoliberal patriarchy has co-opted…

Death Metal and the Power Over Life

This post is not making claims or coming to conclusions, but setting up a line of inquiry for further research. I have a pretty good sense of the overarching idea, but I need some more firm evidence to back it…