Doctor Who and Pop Music

With the 50th anniversary fete this weekend, I thought a quick post on Doctor Who and (mainly pop) music was in order.First, the arrangement–and the signature sound–of the original theme song was performed by none other than the amazing Delia…

Wibbly-Wobbly Women for a Timey-Wimey Universe

I’ve got another post up at Cyborgology. This one is about the role of women/feminine compositional elements in “irrational” contemporary media formats and neoliberal political economy. It’s also about the season finale of Doctor Who.Here’s an excerpt: But the MPDG,…

manic pixie dalek girl & more misogyny from moffat in the new dr who

manic pixie dalek girl & more misogyny from moffat in the new dr who

Obviously, spoilers below. I watched “Asylum of the Daleks” last night; it’s the first episode in the new season/series of Doctor Who. Pro: lots of Daleks, and the eggs/exterminate puns. Cons: Moffat’s continued, disappointing, if expected, misogyny. I mean, come…