Is the “analytic/continental divide” a politically obsolete concept?
So, this weekend I watched GI Joe 2. For all of the things it doesn’t do–like be aesthetically “good” cinema–one thing it does capture fairly well is the obsolesce of cold-war thinking (which, obviously, was what informed the cartoons on which the…
I am not going to say a lot about the George Zimmerman verdict. I think this is one of those instances in which white people need to STFU and spend their time & energy in supporting roles. Like, this is…
Wibbly-Wobbly Women for a Timey-Wimey Universe
I’ve got another post up at Cyborgology. This one is about the role of women/feminine compositional elements in “irrational” contemporary media formats and neoliberal political economy. It’s also about the season finale of Doctor Who.Here’s an excerpt: But the MPDG,…

Some thoughts on Spring Breakers, Beyonce, Resilience, and Race
I just watched Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers last night (I know, I know, so so so late to this party). There’s already been a ton of great criticism written about the film, but here I want to think about it…
Aesthetics & The Politics of “Philosophical” Respectability
Christy Mag Uidhir has recently posted some observations and concerns about the relative absence of aestheticians (faculty with an AOS in aesthetics) in “top” philosophy doctoral programs. What these numbers suggest is that the very best philosophy PhD programs in…
Sound Body: Ohio abortion laws, Wendy Davis, & Rachel Jeantel
A number of recent events led me to think about the way women’s relationship to the state and to citizenship/civil personhood is constituted in and through sound. I also want to think about the technologies that help women’s bodies make…
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